French Muslim speaks on nationwide riots: "They colonized us for 132 years and now we will colonize them for life, until death, until the end of time"
· Jul 9, 2023 ·

You guys, France is on fire, and I know this is just some random Muslim dude on the street, but I feel like what he says here is very important considering the circumstances.

Listen to this French Muslim as he gives his take on the current uprising in France:

"Why do millions of Muslims immigrate to France if it's racist?"

"They colonized us for 132 years, and now it's our turn to come here ... They colonized us for 132 years and now we will colonize them for life, until death, until the end of time."


I wonder how many Muslim men in France feel the same way as this man does. I know some in England certainly do.

Better watch who you align yourself with out there in the streets, lefties. You just might be being used as useful idiots in a much larger plan.

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