You'd think on D-Day Google would be celebrating World War II vets, right?
Well you'd be wrong. D-Day happens to fall on one of the 30 days of Pride Month, so the soldiers don't get a spot on the Google Doodle, a gay feminist does.
Seriously, Google?!?

Here's Google with some gay details:
In honor of Pride Month this Doodle celebrates Chicana lesbian activist, feminist, and author Jeanne Cรณrdova, a pioneering leader of the LGBTQ+ rights movement.
Good for you, Jeanne!
Your lezzing out is more important to Google than the men who fought off the Nazis 80 years ago.
Congratulations on your accomplishments!
Google, literally all you had to do today was tell your AI to draw a cartoon of the Allies storming the beaches at Normandy, similar to this one:
Then, you could've asked your AI to write you a 100-word description of D-Day.
But no, you decided to go with the lesbian feminist.
Bravo, Google!

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