Gunmen storm Ecuador TV station, take hostages on streets after military is deployed to catch escaped drug lord
ยท Jan 9, 2024 ยท

This does not look good. Ecuador is erupting into chaos.

Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency yesterday after one of the country's most notorious drug lords, Adolfo Macias, escaped from prison Sunday night. About 40 others, including another drug lord, have escaped from a separate prison.

Here's the tape from inside Ecuador's TC television station in Guayaquil:

[Warning: Violent]

You can hear the anchor begging for police.

Apparently, the police did show up and managed to nab the bad guys:

Gunmen have also entered the nearby University of Guayaquil, again, looking to take hostages.

Man, not cool.


From the BBC:

A group of armed men have broken into a live television studio in Ecuador and threatened staff, footage shows.

A live broadcast by station TC in the city of Guayaquil was interrupted on Tuesday by the group, who were wearing hoods and carrying guns.

Staff were forced to on to the floor, before the live feed cut out โ€ฆ

The hooded men were seen leaving the TC studios, with police seen entering the set about 30 minutes after the gunmen first appeared.

National police units in Quito and Guayaquil have been deployed to the scene.

Since the state of emergency was declared, at least seven police officers have been kidnapped by gang members.

It looks as if the military has been deployed as well:

I'll leave you with some food for thought.

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