“That’s a hot ground, man”: Biden finally visits Maui, jokes about how hot the ground is
· Aug 21, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Set his disastrous policies to the side. In the last couple weeks, President Joe Biden has proven himself to be disastrous at the one thing sycophantic media promised everyone in the 2020 election he would be good at: basic human decency.

After delaying and dodging for two weeks, the president finally made time to visit the tragic scene of the Maui wildfires that have devastated communities and killed hundreds. Upon arriving, looking as confused and unsure of his surroundings as ever, Biden caused jaws to drop when he found great humor in the protective footwear of the rescue/cadaver dogs working the scene.

Talk about someone completely unaware of his time or place. He's standing in a graveyard. Ashes of victims from these terrible fires (nearly 500 now estimated with over 800 still missing) could literally be scattered around and near him. Those dogs are wearing protective boots so that they can enter into tight places where the ground is burning hot in an effort to save lives. It's not some doggy-dress-up day at the beach. Simply disgraceful.

After giving a few bumbling remarks behind a podium, the president looked as confused as ever, having to be guided off the platform and directed towards a sip of water.

So, let's just be blunt.

If it's because he has dementia and therefore can't be held responsible for insensitivity, then admit it. If his mind is too incapable of deducing what appropriate emotional responses to the moment are, then let's acknowledge it, enact the 25th Amendment and move on into the grim twilight of a year's worth of President Kamala.

But if not … if we're still going to play the game with each other where we all pretend like there isn't an obvious cognitive impairment plaguing the man who "leads the free world," then there simply must be universal condemnation of Biden's heartless response to the human suffering unfolding in America's 50th state this last week.

The state of Hawaii was on fire and President Biden sat on a beach under an umbrella. He took two vacations in the span of this disaster. Obviously, no one expects the feeble Commander-in-Chief to go fight the fires himself. But surely an awareness of the tragedy that may be leaving up to 1,300 citizens dead - a number nearly the exact amount of the Hurricane Katrina nightmare in New Orleans - isn't too much to ask.

Speaking of Katrina, you might remember how then-President George W. Bush was excoriated for choosing to fly over the stricken city rather than visit in person. Bush's defense that he did not want to divert resources from rescue efforts to the necessities surrounding a presidential visit didn't matter to anyone. Kanye West informed the world on the Katrina telethon, "George Bush doesn't care about black people."

Is it fair to conclude that "Joe Biden doesn't care about Polynesian people"?

After all, just try to imagine for a second what the reaction would have been if instead of flying over New Orleans, George Bush spent that time on a beach vacation? And then when they asked him to talk about his thoughts on visiting the disaster zone, said this:

Or if upon visiting the aftermath, Bush would have cracked jokes about the rescue dogs there?

Let's quit all the theater and just say it like it is: either Joe Biden is suffering from Alzheimer's, dementia, or some other form of senility - in which case he is not fit to be president, or he is the most callous and heartless man to ever hold the office.

Either way, he can't vacate the White House soon enough.

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