Buzzfeed says the term “transgenderism” is now transphobic 😂
· Mar 13, 2023 ·

I'll tell you what. If you're a word in the English language right now, you're in serious danger of identity theft everyday.

Take "gay" for example. One day he was joyful and exuberant, the next he's a homosexual, and then he gets his "ay" lopped off, and now he's just a nearly forgotten "G" in LGBTQ+.

But things aren't going so well for the word that "T" stands in for either.

That's right: "Transgenderism," the word that has described the entire trans movement since 1965, is now anti-trans, at least according to Buzzfeed.

Before we get too deep into the absurdity of this article, I just want to offer a reminder that Buzzfeed proudly announced they were laying off their wokescold staff and shifting to AI generated wokescolding instead.

Given that the primary human author of this article has the job description of senior copy editor, it's hard to tell exactly who or what wokescold I should mock here.

That said, the article tells us that the word "transgenderism" is not a real word and was made up by the far-right to suggest that transgenderism is an ideology.

"‘Transgenderism' is a phony term made up by anti-transgender activists and used to dehumanize transgender people and target them, their lifesaving healthcare, and access to society," Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and CEO of GLAAD, told Rolling Stone. "Similar hate speech about ‘eradicating' human beings has been used by extremists throughout history."

The specific example given is Michael Knowles when he said, "transgenderism should be eradicated."

While I would love to congratulate Michael Knowles on creating a word that‘s gained such widespread use over the last 60 years, the word was actually coined in 1965 by John F. Olivan in the Journal of Sexual Hygiene and Pathology to describe the desire to transition from a man into a woman.

The Buzzfeed article makes the case that when Michael Knowles said "transgenderism should be eliminated," he meant "transgenders" because transgenderism as ideology isn't a thing, despite his having just made up the word to describe the ideology instead of individual people.

Then there is a reference to the history of the word "transgenderism":

The term "transgenderism" was actually used by trans activists in the 1990s and early 2000s, but as language evolves, words are both reclaimed by communities and coopted by oppositional forces. The latter happened in the 2010s, when so-called trans-exclusionary radical feminists, or TERFs, employed "transgenderism," as writer Julia Serano described in a 2015 blog post, "in a way that confuses the state of being transgender with a potentially dangerous political ideology" — a usage that Knowles echoed at CPAC.

An ideology that teaches people to mutilate their genitals is "potentially" dangerous.

The inaccuracies and circular logic make it difficult to tell if it's a real-life lefty's nonsense or an AI's nonsense.

Especially when you see media like the LA Times and Rolling Stone spouting the same nonsense:

I will give the writer, whether it's a machine or a person, credit on the last part of the article where it or she lays out a case for research bias and checking methodology before buying into scientific studies:

"Studies can also be ‘p-hacked' — that is, when researchers force interpretations that are not actually backed up by the data presented — to ensure that the conclusion lines up with their original hypothesis. Make sure that you view the original research data instead of relying on secondary sources, as it will allow you to analyze the methodology in more detail and determine whether the data has been reported on accurately."

While the article tries to use it to discredit studies that show transgenderism is a fad and a mental disorder, p-hacking accurately describes every pro-trans study I've ever read.

None of them are designed to be the least bit objective, and almost all of them are conducted by clinics offering "gender-affirming care." They're like reading Phillip-Morris's cigarettes-are-healthy studies in the 30s and 40s.

At the end of the day, I guess transgenderism is anti-trans now, so all those transgender people better get their stuff together and stop opposing themselves.

Or something.

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