I'm all for people commuting via bike. If you want to get some exercise or virtue signal how you're saving the planet while I sit in my comfy car, it's (mostly) still a free country.
That being said, when you yell expletives at old people in the bike lane and blare a horn at them, you're just being obnoxious:
[Warning: Language, like lots of it]
This cyclist posted this video to TikTok because he wanted to show how he owned some peeps by teaching them the proper rules of the road.
All anyone else sees is a giant jerk.
I can hear the cyclist community yelling at me as I type these words. I don't care.

Yeah, I get that people should learn that the bicycle lane is there for a reason.
No, screaming at them at the top of your lungs is not the solution, and no, riding roughshod through crosswalks and intersections like you alone own the road is not the moral high ground.