Here's what I got wrong about James Meek, the journalist arrested by the FBI last October
· Aug 1, 2023 ·

Back in February, the media (both Left and Right) was abuzz with the story of award-winning journalist James Gordon Meek as he was dragged from his apartment building by the FBI.

On the right, he was seen as taking it to the Biden administration over the botched Afghanistan withdrawal (the view I took on the story). On the left, he was a champion for pointing to the Russians as the likely culprits for hacking the DNC during the 2016 presidential election.

So, the raid on his apartment seemed almost certainly to be embroiled in one political sphere or another.

The real story is like something out of Sound of Freedom.

Meek was arrested on child pornography charges: charges that he has pled guilty to in court.

Evidence also showed that he may have done more than look.

[Warning: This quote is horrific]

In one online chat he asked someone,

"Have you ever raped a toddler girl? It's amazing." And in another message he shared a perverted fantasy of "abducting, drugging, and raping" a 12-year-old girl.

Who knows what horrible things he did in his overseas travels as a journalist and an ABC producer, and since he somehow managed to get a plea deal in this case, which implies he turned evidence on others, I'm guessing there are some really bad things.

What I feel worst about is that I was so caught up in the narrative of the big-bad Biden administration taking out free speech by quietly arresting journalists, when the news about the child pornography charges broke, I wanted to think it was all a set up: some big conspiracy theory to silence Biden's enemies.

Not a lot of right-wing media covered it, likely for the same reasons.

Clearly this isn't the case.

What person in their right mind would plead guilty to the things Meek did if there wasn't any truth in them?

Watching Sound of Freedom reminded me that Marxist politics aren't the only evil in the world, and that truth always needs to triumph over narrative.

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11

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