How much longer until we can call this absolute dumpster fire what it is?
· Jul 25, 2024 ·

How many more bombshells are we gonna get like this?

That letter:

Dear [Homeland] Secretary Mayorkas,

Since I last wrote to you on July 22, my office has received new whistleblower allegations that further call into question your department's preparations. The American people deserve answers about vour historic failure to protect former President Trump on July 13, 2024.

According to reports, the shooter used a drone to survey the site in preparation for his attack. This was confirmed by FBI Director Christopher Wray in his testimony just yesterday. In fact, he confirmed that the shooter was operating the drone approximately two hours before President Trump took the stage in Butler, Pennsylvania.

See our report on that here:

Back to the letter:

This raises an obvious question: why was the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) not using its own drones?

According to one whistleblower, the night before the rally, U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied offers from a local law enforcement partner to utilize drone technology to secure the rally. This means that the technology was both available to USSS and able to be deployed to secure the site. Secret Service said no.

Drones are cheap, incredibly easy to use, and there's essentially no reason not to use them for surveillance.

Can anyone explain to me like I'm five why, in light of all the growing evidence, this random guy from the comment section is wrong?

I mean that seriously. I'm not telling you this was some big plot. I don't have a recording of two bureaucrats scheming Jason-Bourne style in a back room to take out a former president.

All I see is a total failure of all protocols combined with dereliction of duty, with hardly any firings (the Secret Service director only resigned after a week of massive backlash) and almost zero transparency with the American people.

The whistleblower further alleges that after the shooting took place, USSS changed course and asked the local partner to deploy the drone technology to surveil the site in the aftermath of the attack.

It is hard to understand why USSS would decline to use drones when they were offered, particularly given the fact USSS permitted the shooter to overfly the rally area with his own drone mere hours before event.

Either the people in government are incapable of protecting themselves, and most certainly therefore us, or else there's something nefarious here.

Please prove me wrong! Please!

The failure to deploy drone technology is all the more concerning since, according to the whistleblower, the drones USSS was offered had the capability not only to identify active shooters but also to help neutralize them.

So that Congress can continue its investigation, please provide no later than seven days from now all records and communications concerning the availability or use of drones at the July 13, 2024 rally in Butler, PA.

You must also testify before Congress next week about these staggering security failures by your department.

Mayorkas is headed to Capitol Hill.

Think he'll give the usual half-answers?

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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