Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer is set to testify before Congress that Joe Biden was deeply involved in Hunter's financial deals. Here's the president in 2019 saying he has "never spoken" to Hunter about overseas business.
· Jul 24, 2023 ·

If this actually happens, it'll be big:

You might recall that Devon Archer was a business partner with Hunter Biden, as revealed on Hunter's laptop, who was connected to financial advisor Tony Bobulinski, who came forward in 2020 before the election to claim that the laptop emails were authentic and that he had personally met Joe Biden and James Biden (his brother) at a restaurant where they discussed business related to Hunter and the Biden family.

Archer is scheduled to testify this week, and I say "scheduled" because there's a chance the establishment will put so much pressure on this guy that he flakes.

From the NY Post:

Hunter Biden would dial in his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on speakerphone into meetings with his overseas business partners, according to testimony expected before Congress this week from Devon Archer, the first son's former best friend.

Archer, 48, who is facing jail for his role in a $60 million bond fraud, is scheduled to testify to the House Oversight Committee about meetings he witnessed that were attended by Joe Biden either in person or via speakerphone when Hunter would call his father and introduce him to foreign business partners or prospective investors.

Archer (far left) with Hunter and Joe Biden

Joe Biden has maintained that he has never discussed business with Hunter.

Here he is in 2019 saying that exact thing when it came to light that Donald Trump had called Ukraine to uncover evidence of illicit business activity involving Joe Biden.

I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. Here's what I know. Trump should be investigated.

All I can say is this: If the establishment wants Joe out, this seems to be the time to do it.

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