Covid-19 vaccines are going to come with a wallet-sized card. And I've got questions.
· Dec 3, 2020 ·

The Department of Defense released pictures of the vaccination record cards that will be given to anyone receiving a Covid-19 vaccine. And I've got some questions.

Dr. Kelly Moore, who is the associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, had this to say about the cards:

"Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due. Let's do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone's going to get that."

Great! That will be a handy way to keep track of when I need to get my second dose and (bonus!) they made it small so I can carry it in my wallet just like I do with the rest of my immunization records...

Wait a second.

Why would I need to carry a record of my vaccination in my wallet? And what does he mean by "let's do the simple, easy thing first"? What's second? A digital vaccine passport?

CNN even asked the CDC if they were planning to keep a database with a record of everyone who had been immunized, and they just didn't answer them 🤨.

Items that will be provided with COVID-19 vaccines. From

There's been a lot of speculation around whether there will be an attempt to make the new Covid-19 vaccines mandatory. But the presence of a wallet-sized proof card and database don't seem like good signs.

The stated purpose for such close tracking of the vaccinations is that the two candidates, from Pfizer and Moderna, which should be ready by the of the year, are not interchangeable. And they both require two doses that need to be spaced out. That could obviously lead to confusion. Ok. Fair. Hopefully, it is just that benign.

Maybe I've watched too many movies (or read too much history). But I don't like it. It's far too easy to imagine being stopped on the street by someone demanding to see my "papers."

And listen, guys, maybe I'm a LITTLE PARANOID. But I'm not one of those people who think this vaccine is the blood of Satan or something crazy. I might even get it eventually. But I SURE don't like the idea of mandatory medical interventions of any sort—especially when it's with an experimental drug.

Even if these things are perfectly safe and 200% effective, giving up bodily autonomy is a can of worms that cannot be re-sealed. And it sets a dangerous precedent for the future.

My body, my choice! Remember?

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