I was today years old when I discovered the wonderful sport of Teqball
ยท Dec 8, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

Okay, how have I never heard of the sport of Teqball? It's like the most amazing thing I've come across in weeks, and I've been sitting here living my life without it?


[A] football-based sport [that's soccer ball for us Yankees] played on a specially curved table (the Teq Table) and is one of the newest emerging sports growing rapidly through each continent. Teqball was founded in Budapest, Hungary in 2014 with National Federations across the world โ€ฆ

Teqball games are played between two opponents (singles) or two teams of two (doubles) โ€ฆ

Players are given a maximum of three touches before returning the ball to the opponent.

Let that sink in, or just watch this:



And just like that I've got a new favorite sport to start training for!

More of this incredibleness:




P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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