Nearly 30 years ago, libertarian academic and author Camille Paglia was able to see EVERYTHING that the mainstream right has only started to see recently.
She knew in 1995 that the United States higher education system was broken - that it was destroying the next generation and undermining all of Western civilization.
Watch her take while talking to the hostile big-lib Charlie Rose:
Paglia: I do not want this crappy melodrama being taught to our students that "Western civilization is filled with evil patriarchs and out there are the wonderful people of color!"
Rose: I don't think anyone that I know of that believes...
Paglia: GASPS
Rose: Think of what you just said ...
Paglia: You don't know how bad it is! You don't know how bad it is! These People - these people who have control of the universities humanities departments now do not believe in great art!
She knew this in 1995! During what was supposed to be the peak of American life! Yet the academics had been poisoning the future for decades at that point and now we see it EVERYWHERE.
Charlie Rose couldn't conceive of anyone being anti-Western civilization. Now you'll get knocked off the air if you're speaking like Paglia.
You can watch her whole video here, it's very fascinating. She saw it all coming. 👇
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