In addition to being censured, Adam Schiff got body-slammed by Special Counsel John Durham yesterday with this savage one-liner 😭
· Jun 22, 2023 ·



Schiff: "The son of a presidential candidate gets calls all the time from a foreign government offering dirt on their opponent. Is that what you're saying?"

Durham: "I don't think this is unique in your experience."

Ol' Shifty Schiff tried to make a name for himself by destroying Orange Man Bad. For years, he told us that Donald Trump was Hitler and Putin's lovechild, a Benedict-Arnold-turned-Caesar who needed to be stopped at all costs.

But now we know that Hillary Clinton, serving under Barack Obama, conspired to connect Trump to Russia, leading to the Steele Dossier debacle. We know the FBI covered for those like Clinton and Obama while also trying to take Trump out themselves, working actively against the "democracy" pencil-neck Schiff says he guards.

Here's more of the exchange after the clip cut off:

"So you have other instances of the Russian government offering dirt on a presidential candidate to the presidential candidate's son. Is that what you're saying?" Schiff continued.

Durham then asked Schiff to repeat the question, and subsequently responded, "I'm saying that people can make phone calls making claims all the time. Of that, you may have experience."

"Are you really trying to diminish the significance of what happened here, and the secret meeting that the president's son set up in Trump Tower receiving that incriminating information?" Schiff pressed.

"I'm not trying to diminish it at all, but I think the more complete story is that they met, it was a ruse, and they didn't talk about Mrs. Clinton," Durham stated. "I don't think that was a well-advised thing to do."

"Oh, not well advised. That's the understatement of the year. So you think it's perfectly appropriate, or maybe just ill-advised for a presidential campaign to secretly meet with a Russian delegation to get dirt on their opponent," Schiff said.

"If you're asked what I'd do. I hope I wouldn't do it. But it's not illegal. It was stupid, foolish, ill-advised," Durham said.

"Well, it is illegal to conspire to get incriminating opposition research from a hostile government that is of financial value to a campaign. Wouldn't that violate campaign laws?" Schiff asked.

"I don't know all those facts to be true," Durham concluded.

Even an old-school non-partisan prosecutor like Durham can smell the weasel on ol' Shifty, but Shifty is gonna shift, and he'll never back down from his crusade to crucify Orange Hitler.

Have fun with your quest while being investigated now that the House voted to censure you, Adam!

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