You always knew it to be true, but new scientific research says conservatives are more physically attractive than progressives
· Jun 22, 2023 ·

There's been a lot of research these days trying to predict people's political ideology using science.

Brain scans show that conservatives have larger right amygdalas, leftists have larger anterior cingulate cortexes, and moderates are average in both. Studies of identical twins that were raised apart but end up with the same political views repeatedly show that political ideology is more than cultural.

But now, we can throw all that mumbo jumbo out because a recent study published in Scientific Reports proved what we've always known to be true: conservatives are more attractive than progressives.

That's right. Using predictive deep learning, a computer was able to accurately predict the ideological leanings of a person based solely on their rated attractiveness. This was particularly true for women, but the data held up for men too.

The researchers created a composite of all the images to show how the average conservative differs from the average progressive.

Now, in looking at those images, you might notice an immediate difference.

The average conservative looks happier than the average progressive. And that is one of the most repeated findings in the science of ideology over the last 50 years. Conservatives are happier than liberals.

And it turns out that attractive people are happier than unattractive people.

So, it's entirely possible that people just find a smiling conservative face more attractive than a rage-fueled screaming leftist face.

But whatever the case is, all us right-wing "domestic extremists" can go through our day with an extra bounce in our steps knowing that science finds us gorgeous.

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