Netflix kids show "Ridley Jones" features non-binary bison who goes by they/them pronouns
· Mar 15, 2023 ·

You can watch this sick stuff from two different angles. Enjoy:

Yes, that's a gender non-conforming bison. On a show for preschoolers.

My heart says, the way I feel most myself is to go by the name "Fred" that's because I'm non-binary and Fred is the name that fits me best. And I also use "they" and "them" because calling me a "he" or a "she" doesn't feel right to me.

This is the absolute junk they are teaching your kids.

This is a Netflix Jr. show that you just put on in the background to distract your kids while you get some work done. That's why this show is made. And while you have your back turned they're teaching your kids that it's normal to be "non-binary" and normal to use "they/them" plural pronouns.

They're coming for your children.

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