It looks like insurrectionists are forcing their way into the Tennessee Capitol chambers as we speak!
· Mar 30, 2023 ·

Those are insurrectionists.

I know, because I listened to about 3,000 hours of CNN's J6 coverage so you wouldn't have to.

We just got done spending tens of millions of dollars to investigate that dark day (the darkest day in American history!). The president, vice president, speaker of the House, and Senate majority leader all condemned the shameful actions of J6 as an insurrectionist coup led by the evil orange man.

Now these domestic extremists in Tennessee want to overthrow our Constitution by infringing on our right to keep and bear arms??

Oh... wait...

...these protesters are lefties demanding gun control?

J/K my bad, LOL!

This is just a peaceful, democratic protest from concerned citizens that are holding their government to account. Move along!

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