International Olympics Committee spokesman defends female boxing decision: “We did away with sex tests in the last century”
· Aug 5, 2024 ·

If you ask me, this sort of answer is unacceptable.

Mark Adams, the Communications Director for the IOC, was asked about the decision to allow two individuals who have Y chromosomes and have failed sex testing for other international competitions to compete as women at the Olympics.

His response is lackluster (to say the least).

He can't imagine why the IBA would ever test someone's sex after a woman received a vicious pummeling, and then he brags that the Olympics has moved beyond it.

I'll quote Sousa, the original poster, at length here:

Mike Keegan asks Mark Adam ... what the reason is for the IOC saying that the IBA sex test (which was independently overseen by a CAS a fully independent tribunal) doesn't meet the criteria.

Mark makes two very odd disingenuous remarks:

1. He says there is no reason for the test and acts baffled as to why such a test would asked for.

2. Brags that the IOC has done away with sex testing and pretends not to understand why such a test would exist.

This is a massive safeguarding failure for women and Mark knows it! The reason that sex testing was implemented in women's Olympic sports was for reasons of both safety and fairness and to stop male cheats from hurting women and stealing their rightful accomplishments.

Back to Sousa:

From 1968 to 1999, for more than 30 years, every woman who competed in the Olympics in every single sport had to take a chromosome test and get a card verifying that they were female.

Since then the criteria for safety in women's sports has become more and more lax, leaving women vulnerable to men stealing their awards and putting their safety at risk.

It used to be that safety mattered and protecting women mattered.

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