Israel demands apology after CNN anchor compares Trump's first term to Nazi Germany's horrific "Night of Broken Glass"
· Nov 16, 2020 ·

In the classiest of moves CNN's Christiane Amanpour compared Donald Trump's first term to Kristallnacht, also called the Night of Broken Glass. You know, the two-day pogrom against Jews throughout Nazi Germany in 1938. The event which resulted in 267 synagogues being destroyed, 7,000 Jewish businesses razed, and 30,000 Jewish men being dragged off to concentration camps.

To be clear, we're talking about the beginning of the freaking Holocaust here.

Amanpour seemed to forget about the whole attempt-to-annihilate-an-entire-people-group aspect of Kristallnacht and instead summed up the horrors of those two days as "an attack on fact, knowledge, history & truth."

She went on to say, "After four years of a modern-day assault on those same values by Donald Trump, the Biden/Harris team pledges a return to norms, including the truth."

Well... apparently some people found Amanpour's remarks offensive, namely Jewish people.

Anat Sultan-Dadon, the Israeli Consul-General in Atlanta, wrote a letter to CNN demanding an apology. The letter which was addressed to CNN's Executive Vice President, Rick Davis, was then given to The Jerusalem Post.

And Diaspora Affairs Minister Omer Yankelevitch agreed that the news network was indeed out of line. "Using the memory of the Holocaust for cheap headlines or a political agenda is concerning and distorts the historical and moral truth," Yankelevitch said.

White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany also chimed in:

As a courtesy to CNN we here at Not the Bee have created this handy decision tree to help with future questions about when it's appropriate to compare something to the Holocaust.

Print it. Laminate it. Use it.

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