For years car-jacking in Democrat run cities has left citizens running scared, and the Democrats have for the most part just laughed and applauded.
But it's an election year, so it's time to clean up their act, just like when they shuffled all the migrants in El Paso into a giant tent for Biden's photo op.
In the same vein, the U.S. Justice Department has created an all new car-jacking task force.
Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said,
Today, we are launching seven new carjacking task forces across the country to build on the success of task forces in Chicago, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Tampa, where available data shows that carjacking rates are now falling. When prosecutors, officers, agents, and analysts come together to crunch data, share intelligence, and apply best practices, we can make real progress in the fight against all forms of violent crime, including carjacking.
The task force will include U.S. Attorneys' Offices, the FBI, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), working alongside state, local, Tribal, and territorial law enforcement partners.
And, at least according to this announcement, they intend to prosecute offenders and get them off the street.
Carjacking and other violent crime task forces have proven to be an effective part of successful violent crime reduction strategies by focusing on significant crime drivers and taking violent offenders off the streets of our communities.

Who knows?
By November 2nd, we may be living in a relatively safe nation again.
Just in time for Election Day!
P.S. Now check out our latest video π