It's 2023 and this Australian mother was just denied a heart transplant because she never got the Covid jab
· Feb 14, 2023 ·

I'm sorry, but I thought we all knew by now that the Covid vaccine doesn't work as intended.

I guess they don't yet realize this in Australia.

What's worse, this lady can't really even get the shot anyways. She's got a heart condition and uses a ventricular assist device to keep her heart pumping.

So one dose of that Covid vaccine could potentially kill her.

Ms. Derderian, a mother of two, expressed her frustration with the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services for their stance, which she characterized as "no jab, no heart."

"The hospital stance at the moment is no jab, no heart. I‘m ready to be on the heart transplant list because medically I'm stable to be on it. But unfortunately, because of these mandates, it has interfered with patient-doctor relationships," she told Channel 9's Today show.

"Patients like myself, we‘re being pushed into a corner and coerced to take something that goes against what we believe in. Or not receive lifesaving treatment. And also for doctors as well, they are forced to implement this on their patients otherwise they'll lose their jobs."

I honestly cannot get over the fact that we're still sitting here in 2023 pretending that the Covid vaccine is "safe and effective."

So why is this lady being denied care?

Former Deputy Chief Health Officer Dr. Nick Coatsworth expressed empathy for Ms. Derderian‘s situation but stood by the rules...

"From a transplant physicians point of view… the biggest risk to you when we hit your immune system like that if you get Covid-19 without having the vaccine, then there‘s a really significant risk that you'll die and that organ will die with you," Dr. Coatsworth said.

"And we don‘t want that to happen to you and we certainly don't want it to happen to the family whose made that sacred donation. So it is such a complex area. I don't envy your decision, but I do standby the rules of the transplant physicians have made here."

Does Dr. Nick Coatsworth also know that if Ms. Derderian receives the Covid vaccination and then gets Covid "then there's a really significant risk that you'll die and that organ will die with you"?

Or is he still kidding himself into believing that the jab actually stops transmission?

What a shame it is that the Aussies are denying care to the people who need it most. All to protect a big corporate vaccine that doesn't do a thing.

Derderian will continue to use the device to keep her heart pumping. That is, until they decide that the device shouldn't be used by the unvaccinated.

Here's Derderian's interview on Australia's News 9:

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