It’s official: Sen. Chuck Schumer reaches height of irony with ACB quote

Joel Abbott

Oct 27, 2020

Stop everything, folks. We've reached a monumental achievement in history this week. Years from now, when children are gathered around the campfire, they will ask where you were on October 26, 2020 when Chuck Schumer spoke the stupidest words to ever leave a human mouth.

Today, my dear friends, we have reached the peak of irony. Yes, there have been numerous claims laid on those lofty heights over the years – plenty in this flaming dumpster of a year alone. Those claims now seem paltry though – like filthy rags in comparison – in the light of the magnanimous numbskullery displayed by Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer as he spoke against the confirmation of Amy Comey Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Behold, the glorious comment that marks our accomplishment as a species:

"Generations yet unborn will suffer the consequences of this nomination," said Schumer, oblivious to what utter drivel just left his lips.

What injudicious absurdity! What nonsensical doltishness! What ignorant imbecility! Go back and read it again! The sheer and blinding obtuseness will astound you! Bask in the contempt for sanity, logic, and language itself on display!

Schumer went on to lump in the assumption that Barrett will help overthrow Roe v. Wade with allegations that she apparently wants to destroy the environment, promote government corruption, destroy individual liberty, and enact the Handmaid's Tale. But oh the irony of using the phrase "generations yet unborn will suffer" when you support the wholesale slaughter of children in the womb!

Roughly 3,000 American children were aborted today. When one does the math regarding the generations that might come from them, and the generations after, the descendants of those murdered in the womb today alone would number in the millions.

If what the senator from New York fears happens – the overturning of Roe – at least some of those untold millions won't suffer. They will live. They will love, learn, grow, create, and dream as unique individuals made in the image of God.

No thanks to you, Chuck.

What a balloonhead.

Go get ‘em, ACB.

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