James Lindsay is correct: If you think the post-Christian Left is bad, wait until you meet the post-Christian Right.
· Mar 8, 2023 · NottheBee.com

I keep telling people that the culture won't stay woke and feminist. The pendulum will swing back, and when it does, it will be truly barbaric without any accountability to a higher power. Think Vikings and the Taliban on steroids.

Alright, there were a lot of fancy terms there, but bear with me. Read the screenshot Lindsay attached:

Androgyny is the process of blending male and female together – of blurring the lines between the sexes, and in denying biological truth, undermining the entire idea of objective reality itself.

Ancient cultures often did this, making idols of gods with male and female genitals, for example.

A statue of Hermaphroditus from the ancient Greek city of Pergamon

Then their civilizations died. And they died because they were conquered by hard men.

People on the gender train think that they are "very sophisticated" and "cosmopolitan" because they perceive themselves to be tolerant and progressive. Since their belief system cuts across reality, however, they live in a world of their own imagination. Meanwhile, society starts to crumble. Crime rises, jobs are lost, tyranny grows, homes are foreclosed, and the average man – the man who cares nothing for these virtue-signal games – grows angry and bitter and desires to see order and sanity restored.

But when that happens – and it WILL happen – it will be violent and swift.

Basically, this meme is true:

We like to think that the strong men will be the good guys.

But why should they be?

As Nietzsche said, "God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?"

It is not that men have somehow killed the Creator of the universe; it is that He is dead to them. They care not for any accountability to a higher power.

What, then, will temper the culture's rage as it swings from woke feminism to authoritarian masculinity?

The Left isn't wrong when they worry about the threat that "alt-right extremism" or "toxic masculinity" poses. They aren't even wrong to worry about someone like Donald Trump who exists as the avatar of anti-woke rage. The backlash is coming.

The problem is the wokies think the solution is the very thing that's actually fueling the fire! They think more wokeism, more androgyny, is going to save them when it will only make things worse.

Even an agnostic academic like Lindsay understands that the only hope is actual revival to recapture the roots of what made America great in the first place.

The problem for American Christians is that we think revival looks like a bunch of college kids whipping themselves into months-long emotional hysteria instead of Christians proclaiming the Gospel and calling our countrymen to repentance.

Churches must step in and order the world according to God's commands and designs, then present the love and grace of Christ within the midst of that order. This is how the West was won. This is why the Danes and the Anglos and the Saxons and the Normans and all the rest were able to built a civilization that explored and discovered more than any other in history. The flourishing of our miraculous modern age comes directly from a culture that, for centuries, was ordered under and accountable to God Almighty, working to understand His justice and design while promoting the mercy, kindness, and love offered in His Son.

Eastern cultures tried to capture this necessary balance with the idea of yin and yang, but overlooked the sinful human heart that is the root of the problem. Only Christ brings the promise of healing and resurrection needed to fix humanity's fatal wound.

This yeast is what made the bread that is America possible, with her experiment in inherent, inalienable rights and separation of powers. It is the only thing that can recapture that vision.

But churches think winsomeness is the key, and that a robust defense of the faith and Scripture is not as important as having a hecking good Christianity.

How foolish these popular pastors will seem in but a decade!

  • Step 1: The culture swings woke, letting lawlessness and decay run wild in favor of "tolerance" and "identity."
  • Step 2: The men who didn't want to get involved get involved.
  • Step 3: Liberty erodes in order to restore order, allowing a dictator to rise to power.

If you think I'm wrong, study history. Start with the French and Russian Revolutions. Napoleon and Lenin did not spring out of nowhere. Neither did Caesar or Hitler. You have to study history if you wish not to repeat it.

It should not be secular figures like Lindsay that are pointing this out. It should be the leaders of the Church, like the great preachers and reformers of before, calling kings and empires to repentance and grace.

Pray that the Lord grants us courage to be like them, so that neither the Bacchus worshippers or the barbarians destroy our nation.

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