Remember this guy?
Yeah, inside the dog costume on the left is Toco, a man who dresses up like a dog a few times a month to live out some wacky fantasy...
Toco has garnered millions of views, but he is starting to worry that his friends think he's "weird."
You know, sometimes I feel like just being a cat. We all need a break from being hard-working members of society. But instead of dressing up as a cat, I just lay around the house for a day. It's very relaxing without involving any trauma or fetish.
Highly recommend.
Toco told the Mirror:
I rarely tell my friends because I am afraid they will think I am weird. My friends and family seemed very surprised to learn I became an animal.
By "became an animal," he means that he spent two million Yen (about $15,000) on that freakish costume.
The article in the Mirror goes on about how Toco likes to roll around, get belly rubs, do "things that only dogs do," and how he's helped other likeminded people to open up, but that's all super weird, so I don't want to get into it.

Toco's fans feed into his fantasy and try to tell him he isn't weird at all!
Don't be nervous of people seeing you! You're just a guy with a quirky hobby. There's nothing wrong with that!
Umm... there may be a little something wrong with all this.
While some folks on social media cheer him on, there are still some sane people out there.
"Mom I want a dog"
"We have a dog at home"
The dog at home:
Image: 動物になりたい(I want to be an animal)/Youtube)"This guy needs to be put on a list..."
One user seemed to have completely missed the point:
I like how minimalist Japanese homes are. Very uncluttered. I bet the closets are packed with everything.

One user said, "I'm honestly just impressed by how good it looks! If he's happy and it doesn't hurt anyone, who cares?"
For decades, we've said that it's fine if such people keep those paws to themselves and stay fenced in on their own properties, but we've seen from the LGBT movement how that didn't work.
One YouTube commenter said it perfectly: