Earlier this month, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announced that he will be blasting off with his brother for a space tourism trip on July 20th. 🚀
Not only do billionaires like Bezos get to take a trip to space, but they also get to own the company that does it.
Naturally, jealously quickly bubbled up and just days after his announcement, two petitions were launched to stop Jeff Bezos from coming back to Earth.
Is he being trolled? Or are people actually calling on him not to be allowed back on Earth and rot in space?
Probably a bit of both.

See, Bezos is the world's richest man and some people don't like that.
One of the petitions on Change.org is titled "Do not allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth."
While it sounds like a joke, it is oh so very real, with over 85,000 signatures.
The petition's description is simple:
"Billionaire's should not exist...on earth, or in space, but should they decide the latter they should stay there."

Folks commented on their reasons for signing, including the classic "he suck", "eat the rich", and "bald b***h" statements.
We also got deeper reasons that people signed, such as "[sending] a message to spark introspection to these folks with a god complex" and "greed is ravaging the planet, and he is one of the most visible symptoms of it."
My personal favourite reason for signing is this one: "I have nothing against him or his company, I really admire how he changed the internet and our world, but it is funny :D"
You're right, this is funny.