Jen Psaki explains that her life is too busy, you know, with all the margaritas and kickboxing, to sit for a deposition related to the White House's collusion with Big Tech
· Nov 22, 2022 ·

You know how the Biden administration and the FBI have worked with Big Tech to use them as the government's tool for curtailing First Amendment rights?

Yeah, well there's a case about that collusion happening in court right now, and Psaki has been moving heaven and earth with every excuse under the sun to get out of a court-ordered deposition.

You see, judge, Jen Psaki is just too busy with kickboxing and margarita night with the gals. She can't afford the time to sit through a lengthy deposition in a First Amendment case.

The lawsuit cited numerous occasions when Psaki gloated about the White House's partnership with social media platforms to ban content contradictory to the official narrative on COVID-19 and vaccines. For example, during a July 2021 press briefing with Surgeon General Murthy, Psaki publicly urged Facebook to deplatform accounts she considered purveyors of "health misinformation," an alleged scourge that Murthy described as an "urgent public health threat." Psaki made her expectations quite clear. "[We] engage with [social media companies] regularly and they certainly understand what our asks are," Psaki bragged.

A few days later, Facebook banned the accounts Psaki had accused of spreading "misinformation."

In March, Psaki expressed displeasure that Spotify only added a warning label to Joe Rogan's popular podcast featuring guests who questioned the efficacy of COVID mitigation policies, including vaccines. "There's more that can be done," she said.

Now all of a sudden, Psaki doesn't want to boast about how she strong-armed Silicon Valley to do the regime's bidding — especially under oath.

Isn't that interesting? Psaki just doesn't think that respecting the courts is very important now that she's the one taking the stand.

The Biden admin has regularly strong-armed the Big Tech platforms, forcing them to do their bidding, or, at the very least, threatening them if they don't.

And now she's too busy to talk about her previous actions.

Psaki, however, doesn't have time. The newly minted MSNBC contributor — Psaki is slated to host her own show on the network starting next year — is simply too swamped.

"The burdens of preparing and sitting for any wide-ranging deposition are significant, let alone the deposition of a former senior administration official," Psaki's legal team wrote in a November 3 motion to quash the subpoena. "And imposing that burden on Ms. Psaki, a nonparty private citizen, is entirely unwarranted on this record."

In a separate statement to the court, Psaki claimed that "sitting for a deposition in this matter would be extremely burdensome for me. Among other things, I understand that I would need to devote several days to preparing for the deposition, as well as attending the deposition itself, and that would be highly disruptive to both my work and my family."

Psaki worked from her role as press secretary and voice of the White House to give marching orders to Big Tech and the press, and she now tries to hide away behind her busy schedule.

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