Our nation is getting so stupid.
We aren't bothered by the women and children being assaulted and abandoned by traffickers at the border, the "kids in cages" at Biden's facilities, or the fact that our participation in human trafficking is allowing hundreds of thousands of cartel-indebted individuals to move into U.S. cities where they will be forced into slavery by said cartels.
What we ARE bothered by are photos of border agents doing their job apprehending criminal trespassers because people thought their horse reins looked like whips.
Aw, look at that mean officer as he does his job protecting the border! Stop being so mean!
The problem is, they weren't using whips.
But they REALLY wanted them to be whips so they didn't have to talk about the actual travesties at the border.
Never fear! To solve this problem that never existed, the federal government is taking away these agents' horses! That'll make the situation better!
Like I said, our nation is sadly getting dumber by the day.
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐