Read how Joe Biden is now driving suburban white women away from the Democratic Party in droves
· Nov 1, 2022 ·

It cannot be overstated just how dismally Joe Biden is doing among one of the more dependable Democratic voting groups in the country:

Voters lack confidence in President Biden's economic leadership, with only 27% saying his policies have had a positive impact on the economy and 54% saying they have had a negative impact. A majority of voters — 55% — disapprove of Mr. Biden's overall job performance, compared with 43% who approve.

The GOP has seen a shift in its favor among several voter groups, including Latino voters and women, and particularly white suburban women. That group, which the pollsters said makes up 20% of the electorate, shifted 26 percentage points away from Democrats since the Journal's August poll and now favors the GOP by 15 percentage points.

White women to Democrats right now:

And hey, what's driving this exodus? I mean, Dems have been hitting all the right notes, haven't they? Full-throated support of abortion, embracing child transgender genital mutilation, an open border...isn't that what suburban women are interested in??


Jennifer Hackworth is a stay-at-home mother of three from Cranberry Township, Pa., outside of Pittsburgh. She's noticed her kids' clothes getting more expensive, as well as rising prices for milk and other grocery staples. "The Dems have kind of proved that they haven't been able to make a change with [inflation]. It's just gotten worse in the last couple of years," said Ms. Hackworth.

Well hey, maybe it'll play better in the general election in 2024. Keep it up, Dems!

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