Watch ESPN's Joe Buck explain how he fractured his wife's ankle with a golf ball while she was doing a handstand

So apparently this is a real thing that happened to Joe Buck's wife, Michelle Beisner-Buck.

Yeah, I guess that's what happens when you go ladies-first at the golf course. Oh, and not to mention when you dink one off into the rough right at your wife and it hits her in the foot.

The couple has been married since 2014 and both currently work at ESPN. Judging by the accuracy of that drive I'm guessing they're in need of some time apart. Either that, or Buck's golf game is in some dire need of help.

Let's let the man himself explain this incident in Mexico that happened in July:

God or the universe just directed this ball right into my ankle bone. Now I get to wear this.

Michelle said the fracture "severely damaged" the nerve that runs through her ankle as well, so the injury was about as bad as one could imagine.

Necessity is the mother of invention, so for Joe Buck's sake, I'm thinking we need a 3-stroke beaned-your-wife penalty in amateur golf!

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