I know we've all been waiting so eagerly for the latest Jussie Smollett slapper to drop, and folks, I'm happy to say that it's finally arrived:
Jussie Smollett chided police and prosecutors and declared his innocence in a song released Friday — three weeks after he was sprung from a Chicago jail while his lawyers appeal his conviction for staging a hate crime.
Smollett, who was found to have paid two men to pretend to be racist and homophobic Donald Trump supporters and attack him with a noose and bleach, released a nearly six minute long gospel-influenced R&B track called "Thank You God…" on streaming platforms.
After a choir sings "thank you God for showing me my enemies," the 39-year-old disgraces actor lays down a spoken-word verse deriding the press and law enforcement for supposedly falsely accusing him of the 2019 stunt.
Oooooh yeah. It's a beautiful song, folks. Listen to it here if you don't mind foul language and truly alarming levels of avoidance and blame-shifting:
"Thank you God for showing me my enemies." It's a funny thing to hear from a man who was apparently so bereft of enemies that he had to...make them up!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇