Keep your pants on, Chicago. That official-looking sign designating a nude beach was just a prank.
ยท Sep 5, 2023 ยท

That's right, Chicagoans. Loyola Beach has not gone nude. You still have to wear some clothes.

It turns out the official-looking sign was just a prank.

I know you're disappointed, but Alderwoman Hadden has put the rumors to bed and had the sign removed.

Not everyone was pleased with the removal of the sign.

A lot of the responses to her announcement decried Hadden's clothes-mindedness. They just couldn't bare it.

Apparently, this wasn't the Rogers Park prankster's first unofficial/official notice either.

  1. There was a permit attached to a home for "two horses and one other animal as long as it weighed less than 500 lbs."
  2. The announcement of a home birth to occur in the courtyard of a local complex.
  3. And my personal favorite, a Citizen Burial permit in the park.

The police might want to scout for some freshly disturbed dirt at that last one.

Thanks for bringing some fun back to the Windy City, random citizen!

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