Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announces she will not be seeking re-election as independent
· Mar 5, 2024 ·

Kyrsten Sinema, the moderate senator from Arizona who left the Democratic Party over its radicalism, has decided she will not seek reelection for the US Senate seat.

She put out this announcement on X:

Because I choose civility, understanding, listening, working together to get stuff done, I will leave the Senate at the end of this year.

Harsh, but probably fair.

Lefties hated her because she was not a radical like them, yet she was never really conservative in any way either, leaving her in no man's land.

The people probably most upset hearing this are Kari Lake and Republicans in Arizona. It's no secret that Lake was hoping for a three-way race to help give her an edge in November. Now that it's one-on-one it's likely to turn out like her "officially" failed governor's race.

So all the Democrats cussing Sinema out in the comments and saying "good riddance," well, you might should be telling her "thank you."

Just one last classic-Sinema move to make everyone mad at once.

That was her specialty.

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