Leftist posts cop-hating, white-guilt selfie ... still gets crucified for wearing dreads!
· Oct 9, 2020 · NottheBee.com

This ... lady proudly posted a selfie of herself:

I like to imagine her waking up in the morning, and pulling out her checklist, just to make sure she's doing everything correctly:

Cop-hating paraphernalia? ✔️Check

Racist shirt that equates everything with violence? ✔️Check

Ugly, unnatural hair color? ✔️Check

General unkempt appearance that you can smell through the photo? ✔️Check

Okay, I think I got everything! Time to send it out to the masses for their approval!

And then... BAM first two comments:

"Nice shirt, [flowerbed] your dreads tho"

"it's hella ironic"

Because, in case you're unaware, dreadlocks on white people is "cultural appropriation." And that's problematic, because (A) EVERYTHING is problematic (see Law of Wokeness #1), and (B) don't you know that every race and nationality must stay in their own box and never mingle or cross cultural paths? That's the way to racial equality and peace!

Still, ya gotta love when cop-hating, self-loathing Wokeys try their very darndest to virtue signal... only to find that they will always fail to appease the cannibalistic hoards.

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