This has been the best thing in my feed over the last 24 hours and it isn't even close.
We're not peddlers in satire like those weirdos over at The Babylon Bee, so I'll shoot straight with ya: This whole thing is a wonderful misunderstanding.
But before I explain, let's get to some basics.
How it started:
How it's going:
If you're a regular around these parts, you may not know that there is another Matt Walsh out there, an actor who has played side roles in sophisticated films such as "The Hangover" and comedic work in shows like "Veep" and "Brooklyn Nine-Nine."

But the triggered wokies only saw the bearded face of the "Christofacist," "alt-right" extremist who wrote a bestselling book about walruses.

So the Daily Wire host did what any curmudgeonly theocratic patriarch would do: He played it up with a serious face on Twitter for a solid day.
This was my favorite:
I'll leave you with his video response to the "controversy" today:
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇