See if this comes off as authentic or cringe to you:
Some context from the NY Post:
A video shared by his campaign team shows Trump handing a bill to a woman checking out at the grocery store, Sprankle's Neighborhood Market, in Kittanning, Pa., as cameras surround the Republican nominee for president.
The ex-president visited the local store and took home a large bag of popcorn ahead of his rally in Indiana, Pa., later that day.
So the libs think this was not only cringe, but illegal!
Bless their hearts.
Politicians do these kind of photo ops all the time, but Trump has a genuine habit of buying food for people wherever he goes.
Remember when he fed the Clemson football team McDonald's because the White House chefs were gone due to gridlock in Congress that had shut the government down?
Or when he showed up to a Chick-Fil-A in Georgia earlier this year and bought milkshakes for everyone?
You can think it's all just optics, but giving a mom $100 to help buy groceries (feeding three kids has gotten so expensive over the past 4 years) isn't election interference or buying votes. Just like staging a visit to buy Doritos from a gas station isn't buying votes.
And if the lefties still say it is illegal, I would just remind them that the current administration is ignoring multiple Supreme Court orders to stop "forgiving" student loan debt in order to secure votes that were given in 2020 for that campaign promise.
Oh, and the current administration is not only refusing to enforce our border laws, but is actively flying foreigners into small towns all over the nation so they can take American jobs while receiving American welfare. They also call voter ID laws "racist" and their allies in Congress are so committed to the cause that they won't just vote against bills that require proof of citizenship for federal elections, but they vote against bills that would deport sexual predators.
But please, go after Trump for helping a struggling mom. It would make my day!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇