So a Lisbon tourist caused a bomb scare by using a translation app to ask for a "pomegranate." Guess what he actually asked for. 🤦‍♂️
· Nov 4, 2023 ·

The Spanish word for pomegranate is "granada." This is also how you say "grenade" — again, in Spanish. However, in Portugal they speak Portuguese, not Spanish (yeah, I know, shocker!).

The word for pomegranate in Portuguese is actually "roma."

So when you're in Portugal, maybe don't confuse the two if you're hungry for fruit:

Yup, the translating app he used was either set to Spanish (that's my assumption) or gave him the wrong word for pomegranate, causing him to be taken away from this restaurant in police custody.

[T]he man suffered a "sudden indisposition" which led him to entering the Portugália restaurant, in the downtown area of Lisbon, and seeking some kind of sustenance.

A Russian speaker, but with an Israeli passport, the 36-year-old used an app on his mobile phone to write a sentence, in which it seems he was asking for something to do with pomegranate. Possibly a pomegranate juice? Whatever the request, the app translated the Russian for pomegranate into the Portuguese ‘grenade', which immediately set the waiter on alert.

Says the paper, aware of the country's heightened terror threat, the waiter contacted PSP police, who arrived exceptionally quickly and in force.

So dude was already a little under the weather, he gets the cops called on him, they immediately arrive pointing their guns at him, they handcuff him while he's on the ground, and then they take him to the station.

Outrageous, but in these strange times we live in I can totally see it!

The police went and searched the hostel he was staying at and when they found nothing they let the man free. It hasn't been reported, but I'll assume the police changed the settings on this dude's translation app to Portuguese, or at least gave him a little translation book or something.

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