Here's a look at a few more examples of media hypocrisy as "kids in cages" become "shelters" under the loving embrace of Joe Biden
· Feb 23, 2021 ·

The media circus has two lexicons that they juggle on a daily basis, using one exclusively for candidates they like and another for those they don't.

The terms used for the facilities used to house illegal migrants is one of the best examples of this.

Behold, the raw beauty of word choice!

And one more from USA Today for good measure:

Here's what the WaPo article said:

"Government officials say the camp is needed because facilities for migrant children have had to cut capacity by nearly half because of the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, the number of unaccompanied children crossing the border has been inching up, with January reporting the highest total — more than 5,700 apprehensions — for that month in recent years."

Huh, that's funny. So such "kids in cages" facilities are okay now because of the Rona? And what's that about illegal border activity increasing? Since the WaPo purports to be a news organization, you'd think they'd ask the logical question of why said crossings started increasing in January.

Could it be – and I'm just spitballing here – that perhaps Trump's tough immigration policies kept the number of crossings down, therefore reducing the number of kids that needed to be housed in "cages?"

But WaPo didn't want to report on that. After all, they already ran a piece in October talking about how those "cages" were built under Obama and Biden, but that Trump's "zero tolerance" policies "had no precedent."

Fortunately, a sizable portion of the populace knows they're being spoon fed this purposeful shift:


What a clown show.

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