NASA doesn't play around. It's all science for those guys. So when they release a video of a lunar mission, it's not some 90-second greatest-hits compilation. It's the full 3.5 hours, baby.
The video is worth watching. It's also very long. So here are some of the most incredible shots from it:
☝️That's Orion breaking the all-time record by traveling "further than any spacecraft built for humans meant to return back to planet Earth." This photo was taken at at a distance of 268,563 from our planet.
☝️Here's the craft as it approaches the Moon, about 5,000 miles out from the lunar surface.

☝️Footage of the craft as it maneuvers just above the Moon itself.

☝️And more.

☝️There's Earth, meanwhile, so close by cosmic standards and yet still so impossibly distant.