We've been covering the crime wave that's hit LA in recent years thanks to government policies that see perps as victims, but let me tell ya, even this one surprised me:
If there are any Los Angeles business owners reading this, how do you keep a store going in your city when roving zombie mobs can come and destroy your entire livelihood with little to no consequence? The used needles, feces, homeless camps, and shootouts are bad enough, but what's keeping this mob from coming back and looting your store next week, or the next??
Some Californians are still in denial:
Most of America never sees crime like this. Heck, most developing nations don't see crime like this!
That's because in most of America and 3rd-world countries, criminals serve hard time when they break the law.
But in SoCal and other woke cities like DC, NYC, and Chiraq, crime is through the roof... and shows no signs of slowing down.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇