Mesmerizing: Watch Piano Player in Barcelona Play Through Violent Lockdown Protests in the Streets of Spain
· Nov 3, 2020 ·

This is incredible to watch, simply mesmerizing. There are anti-lockdown protests happening in Spain right now and people are expressing their disagreements with the governmental overreach in different ways.

Here we see a man on the street playing "Eternal Flame" by The Bangles, and the juxtaposition of his peaceful protest with the violence happening in the background is mind-blowing.

In the video you hear constant sirens, you see fires lit in the background, you even hear a loud explosion at one point. Through it all the man calmly plays his keyboard, undeterred by the chaos.

This is fine

I've watched this video probably a dozen times, it has almost brought me to tears. Just a tragic and beautiful picture of the world today.

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