WATCH: Milwaukee hit-and-run caught on tape during news interview about local shooting
· May 22, 2024 ·

Welcome to Milwaukee, ladies and gentlemen, where the local news can be reporting on gun crime and then film a hit-and-run while interviewing a local concerning said gun crime.

You just can't make this stuff up.

Here's the TMJ4 crew now:



Yup, that's a normal day in Milwaukee, folks.

There were kids out of the shot there playing on the grass, so luckily the driver was able to avoid them and collide with that minivan.

And that's a "freshly stolen car" as they call it in Milwaukee. Plenty of those are just floating around the city, as the Kia Boys have been working hard.

Milwaukee police are investigating a hit-and-run crash that left two people injured.

The entire wreck was caught on camera by a TMJ4 crew following up on a shooting.

Police say, around 7:00 on Sunday night, a driver lost control and ran into a parked mini-van. The impact was strong enough to cause the mini-van to hit an unmarked MPD squad car.

There was a 57-year-old man in the mini-van at the time of the collision who was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Nothing new here for Milwaukee, which has seen its fair share of gun crimes, car thefts, and, of course, reckless driving. The mayor says he wants to clean up Milwaukee's act, though they've been trying this for decades.

The driver got away, as can be seen in the video, and police are still looking for him. That kid who was sitting shotty wasn't so lucky, and his injuries are unknown, though they looked pretty nasty.

Until next time, keep those Kias and Hyundais locked up, folks!

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