Republican Senators Finally Do Something, Spend 4 Hours Blasting Fellow Republican Who Doesn’t Want Pentagon Paying For Abortions
· Nov 2, 2023 ·

If you thought this was The Babylon Bee, well, I'm sorry. It turns out that Republicans are horrible at stopping Democrats but really good at targeting fellow Republicans who want to [checks notes] stop tax-funded abortion assistance.

Republicans in the Senate spent over 4 hours last night attacking Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama relentlessly because he won't allow Biden to appoint new officers until he stops funding abortions in the DoD.

Outgoing Senator Mitt Romney, Lindsey go-to-war Graham, Jodi Ernst, and other RINOs were all on the list.

On Wednesday night, a remarkable scene unfolded on the Senate floor as several Republicans, including Sens. Dan Sullivan (Alaska), Joni Ernst (Iowa) Todd C. Young (Ind.) and Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.) confronted Tuberville, imploring him to lift his hold for the sake of national security and proposing votes on individual officers whose promotions have been delayed. Tuberville rebuffed them one by one, blocking each proposed nominee as his colleagues' frustration continued to rise...

"Xi Jinping is loving this. So is Putin," Sullivan said at one point, referring to top leaders in China and Russia. "How dumb can we be, man?"

"If you don't allow Biden to pay for abortions in the military then you love Putin and Xi! I am a very smart senator!"

Here's Sen. Lindsey Graham, who never saw a war he didn't like, telling the Senate that being concerned about baby murder sets a bad precedent.

What will we do without an even bigger standing military and our vast military-industrial complex? Don't you know there are promotions at stake? PROMOTIONS!!

Hey RINOS: If my taxpayer money that's supposed to go to protect this country is instead going to pay for the murder of children, I don't mind if the entire military-industrial complex collapses.

I'm not a RINO beholden to Raytheon or whatever.

Graham, Romney, Ernst, Sullivan, and Young took turns for almost 5 hours yelling at Tuberville, begging him to abandon the preborn so that they could continue to feed the military beast.

Tuberville explained his position in contrast to McConnell and the RINOs in this timestamped video:

Stand strong, Tubbs!

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