NBC is really out here trying to stir up a race war, aren't they?
· Oct 5, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Oh, would you look at that? The mainstream media is race-baiting again!

Who woulda guessed!

What's missing from the headline? How about: "Who cares?"

I mean, seriously, why the heck do we care that someone who has nothing to do with slavery once enslaved someone else's parents? Unless you want to start a race war or something.

How does this not just stir up unnecessary racial hostility?

Her (Lacretia Johnson Flash's) parents had moved north before Lacretia was born. She knew just a sliver of her family history: that her ancestors had risen from slavery in middle Tennessee to become some of the first Black landowners here in Perry County.

What she wouldn't learn until a reporter contacted her this June, almost 22 years later, is that a direct descendant of the people who enslaved her ancestors is today a U.S. congressman: Rep. Brett Guthrie of Kentucky.

So what? A successful black woman's family was once owned by the long-dead ancestors of a man who had nothing to do with slavery.

Should we look into Flash's ancestry? If we go back far enough into history, how many slavers, thieves, cheaters, and abusers would we find? A bunch! The same is true for you and me! Do we really want to play these games?

(One has to wonder if this would even be a story if the congressman were a Democrat.)

This is apparently a part of a series on NBC meant to dig up the ancient past and create hatred where none previously existed, just for fun and to make everyone mad.

Or, at least that's what it seems like they're trying to do.

As part of a series on slavery and America's political elite, Reuters found that a fifth of U.S. congressmen, living presidents, Supreme Court justices and governors have direct ancestors who enslaved Black people. Among them is Guthrie, an eight-term Republican congressman.

Wow! Did you also know that if you went back just a few more centuries the number would almost certainly be 5 out of 5? Like, EVERYONE at some point had relatives who owned slaves. Including black Americans.

This is the type of nonsense the drive-by media wants to fire out there.

Yup. We really need to start hating journalists more.

They're actively pushing for racial strife. This is gross stuff.

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