Feds say Pentagon official ran dogfighting ring, shot up dogs with steroids, killed losers with jumper cables
· Oct 5, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Look, you guys, I found the Mike Vick of the Pentagon!

Yup, that's Frederick Douglass Moorefield Jr., the Pentagon's Deputy Chief Information Officer for Command, Control, and Communications, and he ran a brutal dogfighting ring called "Geehad Kennels," which began operations in 2018.

What's more, like most dogfighting organizers, Moorefield often killed the losers if they were his, and it looks like he used jumper cables to do so, which is just disgusting.

The investigation into Moorefield — who named his dogfighting business "Geehad Kennels," an apparent homophone for "jihad" — began in 2018 when Anne Arundel County Animal Control discovered the bodies of two dogs in plastic bags that included mail addressed to his Arnold, Md., home, according to a recently unsealed affidavit in the case.

"The distribution and number of recent and healed dog bite wounds (scars) present on both dogs was consistent with organized dogfighting," an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit. "Based on this information, I believe that Moorefield sponsored each of these dogs in a dogfight."

Veterinary medical examiners were unable to determine the dogs' causes of death, but the investigator believes Moorefield killed them himself if they did not die in a fight, according to the report.

I'll just leave this right here because I don't really want to talk about it:

Just ... gross.

Yet these are the kind of people working high up within the Pentagon??

More from the story:

In a Sept. 6 search of his home, the FBI discovered "five pit bull-type dogs" kept in small, thick metal cages in a "windowless room in the unfinished portion of (his) basement," according to the affidavit.

"The room holding the seized dogs contained items generally used to train dogs for fighting, includingweighted collars and heavy metal chains," the investigator wrote. "Agents observed an apparatus thatis used for involuntarily inseminating female dogs."

Investigators also found "a device consisting of jumper cables attached to an electrical plug … used to electrocute a dog after losing a fight," the ends of which were covered in dog hair and blood, according to the affidavit…

To support his dogfighting operation, Moorefield is accused of placing his dogs on treadmills, feeding them performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids and specialized dog food and strapping them into weighted vests embroidered with the name "Geehad Kennels," according to the report.

Here's a few of the pups:

Forgive me for having to give you the scoop here, but it sounds like some of these matches lasted up to an hour, and many times ended with the death of the losing pup. And if a pup lost and remained alive, it was often killed by its owner.

What's more, these dudes were betting at least $1,500 per match and I'm sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Like, how could one find joy in watching two animals try to kill each other? Enough joy to throw down $1,500. It's just sickening.

Moorefield, if convicted — how could he not be? — would face up to five years in prison. However, I'm guessing that those Pentagon credentials will come in handy when it comes to the sentencing.

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