Mark Ruffalo illustrates how Neo-Marxism is a brain virus
· Oct 8, 2020 ·

In a heated debate, people interrupt and speak over each other. That's what happens in a debate. Especially a political debate. No matter the color or gender of the participants.

This absolute balloonhead Mark Ruffalo has such an odd mixture of self-loathing and savior complex that the things he says, like this tweet, actually make sense to him in his head, despite the fact that they are absolutely absurd on their face.

"White male supremacy and its common dismissal and disrespect for black woman"? Heck outta here with that crap, Ruffalo. While you're patting yourself on the back because you think you're saving people of color with your ridiculous tweets, you're really just showing off your room-temperature IQ.

You think you're showing Kamala respect by tweeting garbage like this? You're not. You're doing the opposite. You're treating her like a child. Like a poor little girl who needs big strong white Mark Ruffalo to hold her hand if she's going to have any chance of making it.

Because her skin is a little bit darker than Mike Pence's you think she needs you to rush in there and protect her.

You're burdening her with your soft bigotry of low expectations.

Have some respect for Kamala Harris and treat her like the competent adult woman she is.

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