It should come as no surprise that police officers are generally forbidden from fraternizing with or participating in criminal organizations.
So according to YouTube, they can't hang around with Not the Bee either:

While that last one is nothing but a bit of Big-Tech doltishness, the city of Chicago is about to make the consequences real for Chicago cops who enjoy and/or agree with Not the Bee or any other conservative outlet for that matter.
According to a new rule, the ChicagoPD is adding "biased" organizations to the rule forbidding association with "criminal" organizations.
What do they mean by "biased"?
The news says it means groups like the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers, but the actual rule is written to be all encompassing of anything the Left doesn't like.
[Any organization that] advocates for systematic illegal prejudice, oppression, or discrimination, including disparate treatment, against an individual or group on the basis of any protected class under federal, state, and local law, including race, color, sex, gender identity, age, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, military status, source of income, credit history, criminal record, or criminal history."

While most of that is totally inapplicable to conservative groups regardless of what the Left tells everyone, there are some key words in there that make it clear why this rule was added.
This language makes it so officers can't comment on things like opposing drag queen story hour, abhorring transing kids at schools, supporting parental rights, stopping illegal immigration, not letting felons vote, etc.
Ironically, the last two items on the list about criminal records and criminal history would make the police force a biased organization, so they include the following note:
NOTE: This prohibition does not include discrimination that is authorized by law.
Who wants to bet that this exception wouldn't let a store that didn't want to hire felons and let them tend the register off the hook?

How will the department know that an officer is associated with a biased group?
One way is that the officer could ...
use or display of paraphernalia, words, signals, or symbols indicative of a specific criminal or biased organization.
I guess Chicago cops better keep up with all the Newspeak from this point forward, because literally everything is a racist dogwhistle these days!
One wrong word and out the door they go.

Another way that they'll know cops are part of biased organization is if they are ...
"posting, sharing, "liking," "following," or otherwise distributing or re-distributing content, including promotional materials or electronic content on social media, with the intent to promote, support, or otherwise endorse a specific criminal or biased organization or its activities.
That's right. Big Brother will be monitoring Chicago cops‘ social media accounts for conservative buzz words or liking the wrong organization‘s posts!
I'm sure there are still good cops in Chicago, but the Left is going to see to it that they won't be there much longer.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇