What in Tarnation? New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Shares a Bizarre Pro-Mask Video
· Sep 15, 2020 · NottheBee.com

On Monday night, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo released one of the most bizarre videos I have ever seen. The video stars Paul Rudd and apparently they want you to wear a mask. I have no words.

I have watched this video multiple times now. It turns out I do have a few words.

First, what in tarnation?

I understand this video was made as a joke. It's basically 2 minutes of this meme.

With this meme sprinkled in at the end.

It's a message to get "fellow millennials" to wear masks. And, I won't lie, there were some laughs along the way. It's silly, and that's cool.

Then the video takes a harsh turn and kills all the good-will gained by the awkward attempts at humor by including "pro-science" ranting and raving. It's a small glimpse of arrogance and mean-spiritedness in an otherwise harmless, asinine skit.

It goes from awkward and silly to downright hatred of those who disagree about masks.

Once again, in the age of Trump, humor has changed. You cannot have left-wing comedy without a lecture attached.

Cuomo, undoubtedly, produced this video to shift the focus onto millennials not wearing masks spreading Covid and away from the disastrous nursing home policy that cost untold thousands of lives in New York and surrounding states.

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