New York police now say shoppers should remove face masks in stores because criminals wear masks ๐Ÿ˜’
ยท Mar 3, 2023 ยท

That's right. New York City police are urging business owners to ban masks from their establishments.

Can you imagine what it will feel like not being able to patronize a business because of face masks?

For three years, the NYPD has literally been arresting families at places like Applebees for not covering their faces and not getting jabbed.

So why the turnaround?

"We're seeing far too often where people are coming up to our businesses, sometimes with masks and latex gloves, and they're being buzzed in, they're being allowed to enter into the store and then we have a robbery or some kind of property being stolen," NYPD chief of department Jeffrey Maddrey told the local business community.

"Since the pandemic, this is a way of life for us, where people wear masks regularly. But we're seeing this being used too much as a ruse, to enter into businesses and to victimize our businesses," Maddrey added.

Oh, now I remember!

Before wearing a face mask became a virtue signal for the lefties that support government totalitarianism, criminals used to wear them to rob people.

And it turns out that never changed.

What crazy thing will happen next?

Will New York go back to putting these criminals in prison?

I won't hold my breath.

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