New York Times: Gangs of teens are stealing cars in droves, so blame the car manufacturers!
· Sep 1, 2023 ·

What is it about the Left that they always want to blame someone other than the criminal when a crime is committed?

If someone robs a store, it's society's fault. If they shoot up a mall, well then we should sue the gun manufacturer. Gangs of black teens in major cities are stealing cars? Well, it's obviously the car manufacturers who are at fault.

Yes, that is a real New York Times opinion piece.

Kia and Hyundai, two Korean car manufacturers, don't take America's insane levels of criminality in Democrat cities into account when they are designing vehicles, so, really, they CAUSED this crime wave.

And they should pay for it!

Why are so many cars getting stolen? Police departments and city officials point to this: Millions of Kias and Hyundais are ridiculously easy to steal.

The Left thinks victim blaming is wrong ... but if you bought a Kia then you were asking for it.

It's not just the New Woke Times that says this nonsense. We've covered two cities that are actively working to sue Kia and Hyundai.

The city of Chicago is also suing the manufacturers.

The NYT then gets upset that politicians are focusing on the role social media plays in the thefts, especially when gangs like the "Kia Boys" steal for joyrides and social clout instead of profit.

This strikes me as bizarre blame shifting. It's Kia and Hyundai, not TikTok, that sold theft-prone cars. I'm not against tech companies moderating their platforms to curb the spread of potentially dangerous information. But you know what would be better? Making cars that can't be stolen with a USB cable.

The guy who wants to make Kia and Hyundai pay for having their cars stolen thinks that suing TikTok instead is "bizarre blame shifting"!!!

Dude! Did you notice that NO ONE is blaming the actual criminals for the crime? You're shifting the blame from the CRIMINALS to the people that make the cars!

You wanna fix the problem? I'll tell you how:


That'll take care of the car thefts in no time.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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