New York's Jamaal Bowman refuses to answer whether Biden should run in 2024 during CNN segment about Dems refusing to answer that same question. Even the CNN panel laughs at him!
· Aug 14, 2022 ·

A Democratic representative from New York, Jamaal Bowman, just made an absolute laughingstock out of himself on CNN (of all places) when he got called out for his unwillingness to defend Biden during a segment on the same subject.

The video shows clip after clip of Democrats refusing to answer whether or not Biden should run in 2024.

After the montage, the panel turns to Democrat representative Bowman, and he gives THE EXACT same non-answer to the panel.

Biden has completely wrecked the Democrat party. Even after a supposedly "good" week for Biden his own party sees his presidency as an albatross around their neck.

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