Newest poll shows Herschel Walker now leading opponent Warnock by a razor-thin 2 points
· Aug 31, 2022 ·

The doom and gloomers on the Right had written him off. They've written the Senate off and preemptively declared the 2022 elections over.

Despite the conservative media class preparing for failure, signs are still pointing toward a red wave this November.

This latest poll out of Georgia is another sign that things are still looking up for Republicans.

Herschel Walker may not be the most polished candidate, but his losing to pro-abortion "pastor" Raphael Warnock is far from a done deal.

The latest Emerson College Polling survey of the Georgia general election finds Senator Raphael Warnock trailing his Republican opponent, Herschel Walker by two points, 44% to 46%. Four percent plan to vote for someone else and 7% are undecided. Regardless of whom they support, 53% expect the incumbent Senator Warnock to win while 47% expect Walker to win. This reflects a tightening of the race since April, when the Emerson College poll had Walker ahead 49% to 45%.

Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling said, "Walker leads Warnock among rural voters 58% to 24% while Warnock leads Walker 66% to 25% among urban voters. In the suburbs, voters are breaking for Walker by a nine-point margin, 50% to 41%."

If you listen to Ben Shapiro or other elite conservatives, they'll tell you Republicans are losing momentum. Walker, however, shows that he is gaining momentum.

Georgia voters are also showing that they are supporting the Republican Kemp in the gubernatorial race as well.

In the gubernatorial 2018 re-match, 48% plan to support Governor Brian Kemp, 44% plan to support Stacey Abrams, 6% plan to vote for someone else, and 2% are undecided. The majority of Georgia voters (58%) expect Kemp to win whereas 42% expect Abrams to win.

Exactly half of Georgia voters have a very (27%) or somewhat (22%) favorable view of Herschel Walker, while 46% have a somewhat (8%) or very (38%) unfavorable view of Walker. Forty-seven percent have a very (41%) or somewhat (7%) favorable view of Senator Warnock, while 46% have a somewhat (6%) or very (40%) unfavorable view of Warnock.Forty-seven percent of Georgia voters have a very (30%) or somewhat (16%) favorable view of Kemp while 49% have a somewhat (12%) or very (37%) unfavorable view of Kemp. Forty-five percent have a very (38%) or somewhat (7%) favorable view of Abrams while 50% have a somewhat (5%) or very (45%) unfavorable view of Abrams.

It's one poll, but it certainly contradicts the narrative from the pessimistic right-wingers who are still slow to embrace Trump-backed politicians.

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